Voting is now open for our 2020-21 Pennies scheme
Every year at Voisins Department Store we ask our customers to help us support 4 local charities to become the benefactors from the monies raised in store through Pennies.
Pennies is one of the fastest growing fintech charities in the UK. Our customers have the option to donate money when making purchases in store.
From May 2019 – April 2020 our customers helped raise £8581 to support the 4 chosen charities; After Breast Cancer, JSPCA, Jersey Hospice Care and Mind Jersey.
Since launching Pennies in 2016, together with our generous customers, we’ve raised a total of £52,003.50
So, what’s next? Vote for our shortlist of May 2020-21 charities.
Jersey Childcare Trust
The Jersey Child Care Trust is a local charity making a bid difference for children living with disabilities and/or adversity. By putting families first, they deliver a variety of programmes to enable all our children to have the best start.
Jersey Hospice Care
Jersey Hospice Care was created by the community, for the community. And it continues to be supported by the community today in order to ensure that everyone living with dying receives the specialist care and support they need.
JSPCA Animal Shelter
The Jersey Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (JSPCA) mission is to prevent cruelty, promote knowledge and provide for the aged, sick, lost and unwanted animals in Jersey. The JSPCA is a non-state funded charity that provides a vast variety of animal services in the field of animal care and welfare to Jersey.
Caring Cooks
The mission of Caring Cooks is to empower children and young people in Jersey to grow, cook and eat healthy food in childhood and beyond. Consuming good food throughout childhood is important to health outcomes both now and in later life, and they support parents in making a healthy diet part of daily life, through the programmes of support and education that we offer.
Jersey Trees For Life
Jersey Trees for Life is the only charity entirely devoted to protecting the Island's trees and woodlands. Their work includes woodland restoration and the planting of many thousands of trees each year in woods, copses and hedgerows. Trees for Life have created several new community woodlands and often work closely with other conservation groups to aid the survival of threatened local species.
Jersey Cheshire Home
Jersey Cheshire Home was established in 1983 to give a “home from home” to severely physically disabled individuals, who as a result of their disability can no longer live independently. We provide care and support for those living with a range of disabilities and are the only residential facility on the Island, caring solely for physically disabled adults.
Jersey Action Against Rape (JAAR)
JAAR is an independent and confidential service helping people to recover from the trauma of sexual violence.
They have a dedicated helpline, website and on site counselling with access to qualified and specially trained counsellors and psychotherapists.
Sanctuary Trust
Sanctuary Trust was established in 2011 with the express aim of helping men who have reached a crisis point in their lives and need help, accommodation and support whilst they work through their issues. The demands on these services are greater now than at any time previously.
Brighter Futures
Brighter Futures is a local charity supporting parents, families and young people in Jersey. Since 2008, Brighter Futures have supported over 1,600 families, benefiting over 5,000 Islanders. Working alongside the main carer, their educational model provides them with the tools to cope.
Diabetes Jersey
The charity in its current form has been in existence for nearly 30 years. It supports the 4,500 or so Islanders with the condition in its various forms and also raises awareness of Diabetes.
Those involved in management, administration and fundraising are all volunteers, with no salaried positions. This ensures that the vast majority of money raised each year is actually used to meet the aims and objectives of Diabetes Jersey.
Brightly (formerly Brig-y-Don Children’s Charity)
Brightly is a local charity who offers mainly financial support to children and young people from birth to 25 years, who are being looked after in Government of Jersey care, leaving care, or foster care, as well as others who are suffering adversity and are in need.
Silkworth Charity Group (Silkworth Lodge)
Silkworth offer residential rehabilitation for men and women who are affected by drug and alcohol addiction. As well as a Family Programme to help support the families affected. They also provide a Children's Programme called Silkworms, which offers a safe and supportive environment in which to help children explore their feelings and the impact of chemical dependency, as well as providing them with tools to help them manage their emotions and to keep them safe beyond the programme.
Beresford Street Kitchen
Beresford Street Kitchen is a social enterprise and charity providing training and employment for people with learning disabilities and autism. They have a busy cafe in St Helier, a new tea rooms at La Hougue Bie as well as a catering workshop and print shop. Each area offers different skills to the crew.
Jersey Mencap
Jersey Mencap supports people with a learning disability in Jersey. Their project 'Taking Part Making Art' offers weekly art sessions with professional artists to develop skills, talent and confidence for everyone taking part.
Whoever you are, however you are different, art is for everyone.
Jersey Women's Refuge (JWR)
Jersey Women's Refuge exists to protect and empower women and children affected by domestic abuse and seeks to eliminate domestic violence through education and awareness. Domestic violence is the result of an abuse of power and control. It does not discriminate, has long lasting consequences and takes on many forms including physical, emotional, psychological, financial and sexual abuse.
YouMatter is a charity that exists to see lives transformed by inspiring young people to make positive choices about their lives and relationships. They provide high-quality, interactive and engaging workshops for young people in schools, youth clubs and other community settings. They also provide sessions for parents and training for professionals.
Friends of Mont á L'Abbé School
The aim of the charity is to raise funds for all pupils of the school who face special needs and give them the extra treats, resources, school clubs and specialized equipment which are essential for these pupils. Mont á L’Abbé School supports pupils with a wide range of disabilities aged between 3 – 18 years old.
RNLI Jersey
RNLI Jersey is responsible for 2 lifeboat stations and 3 lifeboats, all manned and supported by LOCAL volunteers and financed by voluntary donations; they do not receive any government funding. The Crew and Fundraisers are dedicated to the work of the RNLI and committed to providing a life-saving service to the Island of Jersey that is second to none.
Acorn Enterprises
Acorn offer work and training opportunities to people who have a disability or long-term health condition.
Jersey Recovery College
Jersey Recovery College (JRC) is a local mental health charity. It provides free education and training opportunities for those experiencing mental health difficulties and the families, friends and professionals who support them in Jersey.
At this current time, there are huge pressures on the NSPCC due to the number of vulnerable children currently not attending school – at school, children are safe and teachers are able to monitor their wellbeing. Even in the safe Island of Jersey, the number of children who are subjected to abuse and neglect is beyond belief and our services have never been more needed.
EYECAN is a charity that supports sight impaired Islanders in Jersey. It is the only charity on the Island whose sole focus is to help those with sight impairments. Our services and support are offered to all age groups, from infants through to the elderly. We aim to help enable those affected by sight impairment and their families benefit from tailored support, activities and social events, to ensure that they are empowered to live more independently with their sight loss.
Every Child Our Future
Reading and writing are essential parts of growing up, however some children find it hard to grasp these fundamental skills and they can quickly find themselves falling behind. The aim of Every Child Our Future is to enable 95% of children in Jersey to reach their age-related standards in literacy and numeracy at Key Stage 2 through providing early intervention in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Teenage Cancer Trust, Jersey Appeal
Nationally 1 in 2 of us are now likely to receive a cancer diagnosis in our lifetimes. Being diagnosed at such a young age can throw lives off track more than at any other time and can feel particularly unjust. We make sure young people in Jersey don’t face cancer alone. We do it by providing funds which enable world-class cancer care and support in our specialist unit at Southampton Hospital and in the Jersey Hospital.
Good Companions Club
A club caring for the elderly in a happy environment with many activities, outings and a delicious hot, home-cooked lunch.
Our aim is to make sure that no one who is alone is lonely. We serve the whole island catering for everyone who is over the age of 55. Our social centre is for people who want friendship and to keep active in mind and body.