FREE Delivery for Online & Phone Orders over £50
Whilst Voisins & Voisins Home, Don Street are closed we're still operating online & phone orders
We want to inform you that due to the latest Government announcement on 23rd December 2020, Voisins and Voisins Home (Don Street) will be CLOSED until 11th January 2021.
In the meantime, please shop on our website or call 07797717634 to place an order over the phone, for Voisins Home (Don Street) orders please call 07797810764. If there is no answer when you first call, please try again later as the phone lines can get busy.
Phone orders will be available 10-4pm Monday – Friday for both stores. We will not be operating phone orders on weekends nor bank holidays. There will be no phone service or deliveries on 28th December and 1st January.
We will be offering island-wide FREE delivery for all orders over £50 until we reopen. Deliveries will be run Monday-Friday and will be prioritised by date of order. Please note, same-day or next-day delivery is not guaranteed due to us processing the orders on a reduced team of staff and operating the deliveries ourselves.
Unfortunately at this time it is not possible to use Voisins Gift Cards for phone or online orders.
For Christmas gift returns with a valid receipt, we will be extending this until Wednesday 20th January 2020.
For the most up to date information please check our website or Facebook page.
We want to thank all of our staff and customers for their support during this time.